President’s and Executive Director’s Joint Message

from Patricia Lombard, 64th President of The Ebell of Los Angeles

April 8, 2022

March kicked off our planning for both our campus master plan process and our review of the Ebell Strategic Plan.

I am writing on behalf of myself and Stacy this month as we have both been deep into these planning processes that are evolving over the next several months and we hope to complete the initial stages before my term ends June 30th.

We are thrilled to have the assistance of some of the city’s best minds guide us as we craft plans for the future of  our wonderful community and campus.

The Preservation Master Plan project team, under the leadership of House and Grounds Board Director Christy McAvoy and her committee, conducted two days of workshops this past month inviting members of our many varied committees and interest groups to talk about how we use our historic campus and ways we can improve it and rehabilitate it where appropriate.

We have also officially launched a review of our strategic plan drafted in 2019 to revise and update our vision and mission and develop the best organizational structure to help us realize our aspiration goals and the challenges we face preserving our historic campus. Lee Braly and Randi Jones are co-chairing the working group that includes Ginger Barnard, LaToya Hearns and Laurie Schechter.

The working group will convene a series of conversations on four key areas: membership, programs and community engagement, revenue and governance. We are assisted by two leading strategic consultants, Allison Sampson and Karen Constine, funded with a generous grant secured by our Executive Director Stacy Brightman from the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation. In the very near future, we plan to invite you to participate in one or more ideation sessions to dig deeper into our goals and develop strategies and action plans to achieve them.

As we contemplate our future, we look back on our past and appreciate the impressive accomplishment of our predecessors who created this community. Over the years, The Ebell has adapted to meet the challenges presented at the time. Now we are poised to do so again with thoughtful member-focused and member-informed planning.

We invite your participation in this planning process in whatever way suits your schedule and your interests. Please feel free to call or email either of us to learn how you can get involved. or 323-314-2266 or 323-931-1277 ext 126