Out and About: Ebell Visits The Kinsey Collection

from Phyllis Hansen, Director of Programs

March 15, 2022

On Friday, March 25, Ebell members visited The Cultivators: Highlights from the Kinsey African American Art and History Collection at the Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University.

The Kinsey African American Art and History Collection is the inspired work of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey, and their son Khalil, and considered one of the largest and most comprehensive of its kind. Beginning over 50 years ago, the Kinseys have been on a journey of collecting fine art and primary source historical objects that document the African American experience and illuminate the untold stories of Black Excellence throughout US history. Curated by Khalil Kinsey and historian Larry Earl, the exhibition focuses on the lives, accomplishments, and brilliance of African Americans from the 16th century through the years of slavery and emancipation to the civil rights movement through modern day. It includes works of art, photographs, rare books, and manuscripts.

Members were delighted to find this watercolor by Ebell member Phoebe Beasley.

Laura Cohen (second from right) and friends, with Barbi Greenfiel, event chair.

LaToya Hearns stands in front of a quilt by Bisa Butler













The exhibit is now showing at Sofi Stadium. Go here for tickets.