Book Chamber: December Book Choice

from Constance Hornig, Book Chamber Chair

December 2, 2021

Stack of BooksOn December 21 (the 3rd Tuesday) openly declare the best-est, most loved , memorable book you have ever read.  Each one of us will name her personal favorite.

Do you cherish a childhood story – Little Women, Charlotte’s Web, or Winnie the Pooh

Or a can’t-put-down book from young adulthood – Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, or Wuthering Heights?  (I recently re-read Wuthering Heights and realized my younger self was so enamored of the love story that I did not notice how rotten everyone behaves. Soul-mates or not.) 

What about an assignment from school: To Kill a Mockingbird, The Outsiders, or Romeo & Juliet?

Romance, sci,-fi or mystery? Contemporary, classic, or prizewinner?  . . . And don’t forget nonfiction.

We expect a potpourri of choices that may reveal an aspect of one’s self not previously suspected.  Join us for the disclosures.